Source code for taxcalcpayroll.records

Taxcalc-Payroll tax-filing-unit Records class.

# pycodestyle
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled

from taxcalc.records import Records as TCRec

[docs]class Records(TCRec): """ Records is a subclass of Tax-Calculator's Records class. In fact, Taxcalc-Payroll's Records class is excatly the same as the Tax-Calculator's Records class. Therefore, inherits its methods (none of which are shown here). Constructor for the tax-filing-unit Records class. Returns ------- class instance: Records Notes ----- Typical usage when using PUF input data is as follows:: recs = Records() which uses all the default parameters of the constructor, and therefore, imputed variables are generated to augment the data and initial-year grow factors are applied to the data. There are situations in which you need to specify the values of the Record constructor's arguments, but be sure you know exactly what you are doing when attempting this. Use Records.cps_constructor() to get a Records object instantiated with CPS input data. """ # suppress pylint warning about constructor having too many arguments: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # suppress pylint warnings about uppercase variable names: # pylint: disable=invalid-name # suppress pylint warnings about too many class instance attributes: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes pass