Taxcalc-Payroll CalcFunctions#

Taxcalc-Payroll CalcFunctions


Tax-Calculator functions that calculate payroll and individual income taxes.

These functions are imported into the Calculator class.

Note: the parameter_indexing_CPI_offset policy parameter is the only policy parameter that does not appear here; it is used in the file to possibly adjust the price inflation rate used to index policy parameters (as would be done in a reform that introduces chained-CPI indexing).

taxcalcpayroll.calcfunctions.AdditionalMedicareTax(*args, **kwargs)#

wrapper function nested in make_wrapper function nested in iterate_jit decorator.

taxcalcpayroll.calcfunctions.EI_PayrollTax(*args, **kwargs)#

wrapper function nested in make_wrapper function nested in iterate_jit decorator.