Recipe2: Employer side Payroll Tax Offset#

This recipe is to introduce the usage of employer_payroll_offset function from, when calling the function to conduct analysis upon employer side payroll tax reform

import taxcalcpayroll as tcp
from taxcalcpayroll.payrolloffset import employer_payroll_offset

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
recs = tcp.Records(data = 'puf.csv')
pol = tcp.Policy()
calc0 = tcp.Calculator(policy = pol, records = recs)

policy reform: increase the employer side FICA social security payroll tax rate to 0.072, for the year 2025#

reform1 = {'FICA_ss_trt_employer': {"2025": 0.072}}

(1) total tax revenue after the reform (without offset)#

recs = tcp.Records(data = 'puf.csv')
pol1 = tcp.Policy()
pol1.implement_reform(reform1, print_warnings=True, raise_errors=True)
calc1 = tcp.Calculator(policy = pol1, records = recs)

print("In 2025, combined tax revenue under reformed policy (without offset) is: ", calc1.weighted_total('combined') / 10**9)

In 2025, combined tax revenue under reformed policy (without offset) is: $4053.78 Billion

(2) total tax revenue after the reform, considering the offset#

/Users/bodiyang/Desktop/taxcalc/Tax-Calculator/taxcalc/ FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use `ser.iloc[pos]`
  self.e00300 *= self.ADJ['INT{}'.format(year)][self.agi_bin].values

Function usage:#

Input for offset function: baseline calculator (its policy and records object) and reform policy

Output for offset function: returns a dataframe of output variables

offdf = employer_payroll_offset(reform1, calc0, pol, recs, dump=False)    

print the result of calculated combined tax revenue

print("In 2025, combined tax revenue under reformed policy, after the offset, is: ", (offdf['combined'] * offdf['s006']).sum() / 10**9)
In 2025, combined tax revenue under reformed policy, after the offset, is:  4023.508250234729

In 2025, combined tax revenue under reformed policy, after the offset, is: $4023.51 Billion

Muti year usage#

Comparison of total tax revenue calculation of baseline policy, reform policy (without offset), and reform policy considering offset

# setup some tool list to help printing result
dtable = pd.DataFrame([])
year_list = []
cur_list = []
reform_list = []
offset_list = []
base_ref_diff = []
ref_offset_diff = []
base_offset_diff = []

cur_sum = 0
reform_sum = 0
offset_sum = 0
base_ref_sum = 0
ref_offset_sum = 0
base_offset_sum = 0
recs = tcp.Records(data = 'puf.csv')
pol = tcp.Policy()
calc0 = tcp.Calculator(policy = pol, records = recs)

recs = tcp.Records(data = 'puf.csv')
pol1 = tcp.Policy()
pol1.implement_reform(reform1, print_warnings=True, raise_errors=True)
calc1 = tcp.Calculator(policy = pol1, records = recs)
# multi year 
for year in range(2024, 2034):   
    # baseline
    itax_rev0 = calc0.weighted_total('combined')
    itax_rev0 = (itax_rev0/10**9).round(2)
    cur_sum += itax_rev0
    # reform before offset
    itax_rev1 = calc1.weighted_total('combined')
    itax_rev1 = (itax_rev1/10**9).round(2)
    br_diff = itax_rev1 - itax_rev0
    reform_sum += itax_rev1
    base_ref_sum += br_diff
    # offset
    offset_df = employer_payroll_offset(reform1, calc0, pol, recs, dump=False)
    itax_revbr = (offset_df['combined'] * offset_df['s006']).sum()
    itax_revbr = (itax_revbr/10**9).round(2)
    ro_diff = itax_revbr - itax_rev1
    bo_diff = itax_revbr - itax_rev0
    offset_sum += itax_revbr
    ref_offset_sum += ro_diff
    base_offset_sum += bo_diff
year_list.append("10 year 2024-2033")  
df = pd.DataFrame({'Year': year_list, 'Baseline Tototal Revenue': cur_list, 'Reform Tototal Revenue (no offset)': reform_list,
                   'Reform Tototal Revenue with offset': offset_list, "Diff: Reform - Baseline": base_ref_diff,
                   'Diff: Offset - Reform': ref_offset_diff, "Diff: Offset - Baseline": base_offset_diff
df =
Year Baseline Tototal Revenue Reform Tototal Revenue (no offset) Reform Tototal Revenue with offset Diff: Reform - Baseline Diff: Offset - Reform Diff: Offset - Baseline
2024 3757.610000 3757.610000 3757.610000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2025 3952.990000 4053.780000 4023.510000 100.790000 -30.270000 70.520000
2026 4353.220000 4458.410000 4423.900000 105.190000 -34.510000 70.680000
2027 4543.830000 4653.240000 4617.230000 109.410000 -36.010000 73.400000
2028 4737.260000 4850.960000 4813.430000 113.700000 -37.530000 76.170000
2029 4935.730000 5053.900000 5014.790000 118.170000 -39.110000 79.060000
2030 5139.730000 5262.540000 5221.780000 122.810000 -40.760000 82.050000
2031 5348.200000 5475.840000 5433.370000 127.640000 -42.470000 85.170000
2032 5549.990000 5682.670000 5638.450000 132.680000 -44.220000 88.460000
2033 5781.670000 5918.520000 5872.840000 136.850000 -45.680000 91.170000
10 year 2024-2033 48100.230000 49167.470000 48816.910000 1067.240000 -350.560000 716.680000