Source code for taxcalc.policy

Tax-Calculator federal tax policy Policy class.
# pycodestyle
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled

import os
import json
import numpy as np
from taxcalc.parameters import Parameters
from taxcalc.growfactors import GrowFactors

class Policy(Parameters):
    Policy is a subclass of the abstract Parameters class, and
    therefore, inherits its methods (none of which are shown here).

    Constructor for the federal tax policy class.

    gfactors: GrowFactors class instance
        containing price inflation rates and wage growth rates

        if gfactors is not a GrowFactors class instance or None.

    class instance: Policy

    DEFAULTS_FILE_NAME = 'policy_current_law.json'
    DEFAULTS_FILE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    JSON_START_YEAR = 2013  # remains the same unless earlier data added
    LAST_KNOWN_YEAR = 2022  # last year for which indexed param vals are known
    # should increase LAST_KNOWN_YEAR by one every calendar year
    LAST_BUDGET_YEAR = 2034  # last extrapolation year
    # should increase LAST_BUDGET_YEAR by one every calendar year

    # NOTE: the following three data structures use internal parameter names:
    # (1) specify which Policy parameters have been removed or renamed
        # following five parameters removed in PR 2223 merged on 2019-02-06
        'DependentCredit_Child_c': 'is a removed parameter name',
        'DependentCredit_Nonchild_c': 'is a removed parameter name',
        'DependentCredit_before_CTC': 'is a removed parameter name',
        'FilerCredit_c': 'is a removed parameter name',
        'ALD_InvInc_ec_base_RyanBrady': 'is a removed parameter name',
        # TODO: following parameter renamed in PR 2292 merged on 2019-04-15
        "cpi_offset": (
            "was renamed parameter_indexing_CPI_offset. "
            "See documentation for change in usage."
        "CPI_offset": (
            "was renamed parameter_indexing_CPI_offset. "
            "See documentation for change in usage."
        # TODO: following parameters renamed in PR 2345 merged on 2019-06-24
        'was renamed PT_qbid_rt in release 2.4.0',
        'was renamed PT_qbid_taxinc_thd in release 2.4.0',
        'was renamed PT_qbid_taxinc_gap in release 2.4.0',
        'was renamed PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt in release 2.4.0',
        'CTC_c_under5_bonus': 'was renamed CTC_c_under6_bonus.',
        'was renamed ACTC_rt_bonus_under6family.',
        'CTC_new_c_under5_bonus': 'was renamed CTC_new_c_under6_bonus.'
    # (2) specify which Policy parameters have been redefined recently
    # (3) specify which Policy parameters are wage (rather than price) indexed
    WAGE_INDEXED_PARAMS = ['SS_Earnings_c', 'SS_Earnings_thd']

    def __init__(self, gfactors=None, only_reading_defaults=False, **kwargs):
        # put JSON contents of DEFAULTS_FILE_NAME into self._vals dictionary
        # handle gfactors argument
        if gfactors is None:
            self._gfactors = GrowFactors()
        elif isinstance(gfactors, GrowFactors):
            self._gfactors = gfactors
            raise ValueError('gfactors is not None or a GrowFactors instance')
        # read default parameters and initialize
        syr = Policy.JSON_START_YEAR
        lyr = Policy.LAST_BUDGET_YEAR
        nyrs = Policy.DEFAULT_NUM_YEARS
        self._inflation_rates = None
        self._wage_growth_rates = None
        self.initialize(syr, nyrs, Policy.LAST_KNOWN_YEAR,
                        Policy.WAGE_INDEXED_PARAMS, **kwargs)

[docs] @staticmethod def read_json_reform(obj): """ Return a reform dictionary suitable for use with implement_reform method generated from the specified JSON object, which can be None or a string containing a local filename, a URL beginning with 'http' pointing to a valid JSON file hosted online, or a valid JSON text. """ return Parameters._read_json_revision(obj, 'policy')
[docs] def implement_reform(self, reform, print_warnings=True, raise_errors=True): """ Implement reform using Tax-Calculator syled reforms/adjustments. Users may also use the adjust method with ParamTools styled reforms. """ # need to do conversion: return self._update(reform, print_warnings, raise_errors)
[docs] @staticmethod def parameter_list(): """ Returns list of parameter names in the policy_current_law.json file. """ path = os.path.join( Policy.DEFAULTS_FILE_PATH, Policy.DEFAULTS_FILE_NAME ) with open(path) as f: defaults = json.loads( # pylint: disable=protected-access return [k for k in defaults if k != "schema"]
[docs] def set_rates(self): """Initialize taxcalc indexing data.""" cpi_vals = [ vo["value"] for vo in self._data["parameter_indexing_CPI_offset"]["value"] ] # extend parameter_indexing_CPI_offset values through budget window # if they have not been extended already. cpi_vals = cpi_vals + cpi_vals[-1:] * ( self.end_year - self.start_year + 1 - len(cpi_vals) ) cpi_offset = { (self.start_year + ix): val for ix, val in enumerate(cpi_vals) } self._gfactors = GrowFactors() self._inflation_rates = [ np.round(rate + cpi_offset[self.start_year + ix], 4) for ix, rate in enumerate( self._gfactors.price_inflation_rates( self.start_year, self.end_year ) ) ] self._wage_growth_rates = self._gfactors.wage_growth_rates( self.start_year, self.end_year )